Are you in 3rd to 8th grade?
If so, you can enter the WAGiLabs “Ideas for Good” contests. These four-week competitions are global “GuppyTanks” just for kids. Every contest has a new challenge question and defined entry and submission dates.

Current Challenge
The current challenge is for kids’ ideas to improve in-school and out-of-school learning:
Form a team of at least three kids and fill in the blank in the above challenge question. You could put as much fun as “basketball” or as “singing a song.” The possibilities are up to you.
Brainstorm ideas on how to make learning fun based on the word or words you added to your sentence!
Submit ideas on the entry form. Your team gets bonus points if you also submit a video highlighting your idea.
Win $250 to bring your ideas to life!!!

An all-student judging panel will pick the Top Five ideas. Each of the five winners will receive a $250 award. All entries are considered open-source and will be posted to showcase the great ideas.
Submission Requirements
- The ideas come from kids!
- The kid submitter has an adult sponsor.
- The sponsor submits a signed "Ideas for Good" entry form.
- Start Date:
- Deadline:

Our mission
at WAGiLabs is to:
- Excite kids about social innovation and Kidpreneurship.
- Expand connections between kids, their community, and the world.
- Provide funding, mentorship, and a collaborative community for kids to develop and implement socially innovative ideas.

We hope you enter the “Ideas for Good” contest and empower your kids’ ideas to change the world!