Join GuppyTanks

Are you in 3rd to 8th grade? If so, you can enter the WAGiLabs “Ideas for Good” contests. These four-week competitions are global “GuppyTanks” just for kids. Every contest has a new challenge question and defined entry and submission dates.

“Ideas for Good” Entry Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
First Name of Kids on Your Team
School Grades
Browse or Drag and Drop your files here
Max. file size: 128 MB.

    Authorization for Displaying Your Idea

    MM slash DD slash YYYY

    I hereby grant to WAGiLabs, a 501c3 non-profit, the right to use and publish our idea, our photographs, and our videos for educational efforts, such as presentations, books, videos, audios, web and social media sites. I understand that WAGiLabs shall not be responsible for external media’s use of any videos, photographs, interviews, or any information that I have consented to release. WAGiLabs may use resulting media coverage in its educational activities.

    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.